New Life Consulting
Nancy McLellan, N.D., Ph.D., Reiki Master

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Nancy McLellan earned a Doctor of Naturopathy degree with highest honors from Clayton College of Natural Health in 2007.  She later added certificates in Herbology and Homeopathy.  She completed her Ph.D. in holistic nutrition in March, 2011.

Nancy also is certified in the body work modalities of Reiki and Sacred Meditation.  In 1997, she received her Level I Reiki certification and became a Reiki Master in March of 2008.  She became certified in Sacred Meditation in 2006. 

She has been studying nutrition and alternative medicine informally since the late 1980s and has consulted with family and friends on numerous issues over the years.  It is her pleasure and privilege now to expand her consulting practice to a wider audience.

It is my sincere belief that when we are balanced energetically, mentally, physically and spiritually, we are able to experience a state of total wellness.  A loss of well-being starts first with the thoughts held in mind and with the daily habits we develop.  Instinctively, our bodies know how to maintain and even to heal themselves, but as a culture, we have lost the art of listening to their wisdom.

Nancy McLellan

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